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Planned Parenthood And The Battle For Survival

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105

             "The Bible is silent on abortion". These words are displayed on Planned Parenthood's website. (1) It would be shocking if it were true. Would the Bible be silent on an issue as profound as abortion? Would God refuse to direct our path in a matter of life or death? Planned Parenthood would have us believe that God does not wish to get involved and remains silently on the sidelines of this battle. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

             Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is a business organization that profits from every abortion that they perform. As such, they have a huge financial stake in ensuring the continuance of unrestricted abortions. Planned Parenthood has been performing surgical abortions since 1970 at its facilities, since the disastrous Roe v. Wade was legislated from the Supreme Court's bench. Now that the American people are pursuing the legislative overthrow of this pseudo-law, Planned Parenthood will fight the upcoming onslaught of pro-life legislation with everything it can muster, including propaganda.

             Planned Parenthood takes issue with any Biblical perspective on abortion, so it must insist that there is no Biblical perspective. In the article, "The Bible is Silent on Abortion", Rabbi Dennis S. Ross, one of several members of PPFA Clergy Advisory Board, states, "If the Bible thought abortion was a sin, it would have named it a sin." (2) Rabbi Ross goes on to say, "Scripture does not consider the fetus to be a human being." (3) This reasoning really goes to the heart of the abortion battle. If the "fetus" is human, it would be a "sin" for one human being to willfully end the life of another through abortion. It would be murder.

             Rabbi Ross uses Exodus 21:22-23 as a basis for his flawed reasoning. These verses describe what punishment should befall a man who accidentally strikes a pregnant woman and causes her to deliver her baby prematurely.

"If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no lasting harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman's husband imposes on him; and he shall pay a fine as the judges determine. But if any lasting harm follows, then you shall give life for life."
Exodus 21:22-23

             These verses clearly prescribe the taking of a life for a life. The Rabbi proposes that this punishment was only deemed for the death of the woman, and not the death of the child should it die after being delivered prematurely. This is not true. These verses clearly state that the "fetus" is a child. The death of a child would necessitate the life for a life punishment as well. The Rabbi goes on to say that should the loss of the "fetus" occur, that a mere fine would suffice as punishment. This is the classic strategy of dehumanization that is always used to justify murder.

             There is no doubt that everytime a women gives birth, a human being comes into the world. Abortion proponents must seek to justify their actions by re-classifying the pre-born as un-human. So a pre-born child becomes a "fetus". Many make the claim that a "fetus" is unhuman because it undergoes evolutionary changes in the womb until it reaches a 'human' stage. The Bible never makes such a claim. On the contrary, Scripture affirms over and over again that it is human life growing in the womb. Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not has no bearing on that fact.

             The Bible declares that a child growing in the womb is a work of God. In Isaiah 49:1,5, we learn that God forms us in the womb and calls us, according to his purpose for our life. Furthermore, Scripture clearly identifies the pre-born child as a person with a spirit (ghost) that would be given up upon his/her death.

"Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?"
Job 3:11

             Why would anyone say the Bible is silent about abortion? To prevent people from searching the Scriptures for the truth. Planned Parenthood is using deception on their target audience in order to influence them to choose abortion as a viable method of birth control. Sadly, they are being aided in their deception by a handful of clergy members.

             Planned Parenthood and its alter-ego, the National Organization of Women (NOW), are facing years of legal challenges in the Supreme Court regarding abortion and abortion clinics. We have just witnessed a pro-life victory as the Supreme Court unanimously declared that Federal racketeering laws cannot be used against people protesting at abortion clinics. We have just witnessed the legislature and the Governor of South Dakota pass a more restrictive abortion law in that state. States like Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, Kentucky, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Georgia are considering similar legislation as well. Legal challenges to these state laws will be brought by Planned Parenthood and NOW to the Supreme Court. Factor in the addition of two new Supreme Court justices by the Bush administration, and you can see why the abortion clinics are fearing for their survival.

             Many feel the time is right for an overturn of Roe V. Wade. Individual states would then be free to govern themselves in regards to restricting abortion. This would greatly reduce the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills in this country.

             Abortion is murder. Abortion is also a big business. Unfortunately, many women are deceived by abortion practitioners when they are most vulnerable. As a result, the abortionists take the life of their unborn children and profit by it as well. It is no coincidence that the Bible warns us about deceivers. They have plagued mankind throughout history, sometimes at a terrible cost.

(1) 2http://www.plannedparenthood.org/pp2/portal/webzine/clergyvoices/
(2) 2http://www.plannedparenthood.org/pp2/portal/files/portal/webzine/
(3) 2http://www.plannedparenthood.org/pp2/portal/files/portal/webzine/

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