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The Fate of Jerusalem

"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." Zechariah 12:2,3

             Radical Hamas wins the Palestinian election. Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert sends in Israeli police to bulldoze Amona, a Jewish settlement in the West Bank. Hundreds of Israelis were hurt in Amona, including three members of the Knesset. What in the world is going on?

             The election of Hamas by the Palestinian people has crystallized the Palestinian worldview for all to see. In response, the "Road Map for Peace" sponsors- the European Union, The United Nations, The United States and Russia have stated, "that future assistance to any new government would be reviewed by donors against that government's commitment to the principles of non-violence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations, including the Roadmap." United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan told reporters "If Hamas...transforms itself from an armed movement into a political party respecting the rules of the game... I think the international community should be able to work with them." As such the stage is set.

             Hamas might learn to put that transformation into practice, the way that Arafat and Abbas did. Those Palestinian leaders gave lip service to the world community about peace with Israel, but never really did much to stop Palestian terrorism. But it seems that Hamas is more likely to seek its financial support from outside sources. Already, the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar have promised millions to the newly-elected Palestinian government in the short-term. Hamas has close ties with the present Iranian government and will continue to draw support from it as well. Any real transformation of Hamas is doubtful because of its core beliefs.

             Core belief #1 - Israel has no right to exist and must be destroyed. The Preamble of the Hamas Covenant of 1988, which is the founding document of the group, states: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." Under Article 13, the Hanas Covenant states: "Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). Abusing any part of Palestine is abuse directed against part of religion. Nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion. Its members have been fed on that. For the sake of hoisting the banner of Allah over their homeland they fight."

             Core belief #2 - Incorporation of extremist Islamic ideology into the government. Article 27 states: "The Palestinian Liberation Organization is the closest to the heart of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). It contains the father and the brother, the next of kin and the friend. The Moslem does not estrange himself from his father, brother, next of kin or friend. Our homeland is one, our situation is one, our fate is one and the enemy is a joint enemy to all of us." Article 27 further states, "Secularism completely contradicts religious ideology. Attitudes, conduct and decisions stem from ideologies. That is why, with all our appreciation for The Palestinian Liberation Organization - and what it can develop into - and without belittling its role in the Arab-Israeli conflict, we are unable to exchange the present or future Islamic Palestine with the secular idea. The Islamic nature of Palestine is part of our religion and whoever takes his religion lightly is a loser. Who will be adverse to the religion of Abraham, but he whose mind is infatuated? (The Cow - verse 130). The day The Palestinian Liberation Organization adopts Islam as its way of life, we will become its soldiers, and fuel for its fire that will burn the enemies.""

             As strange as it seems, Israeli is continuing its unilateral plans to rid the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) of Jewish settlements, as it has done in Gaza, without any Palestinian concessions. Israel's actions and the election of Hamas has proven that the Palestinians need not comply with any concessions.

             There is one line that Israel will not cross. This line has been drawn by Israeli Prime Minister's and has been reiterated by Olmert as well. Olmert stated Tuesday that Israel would continue its control of "security zones, the Jewish settlement blocs and places with supreme national significance for the Jewish people, first and foremost Jerusalem, united under Israeli sovereignty," Olmert said. "There can be no Jewish state without the capital Jerusalem at its center."

             The fate of Jerusalem is not to be compromised, even by force, even by the forces of the world arrayed against it and Judah.

             It seems the stage has already been set. An escalation of conflict between all players will likely be the cause to fulfill Bible prophecy. All we need is a strong leader to broker a peace treaty, Solana anyone? We know that a peace covenant will be forth coming as the Palestinian and Israeli conflict engulfs the world. As we can see, sides are already being chosen. Magog with its mouth open waiting for the hook in its jaw, the Kings of the East becoming more entwined in the Middle East, and the rest of the world trying to broker a peace treaty. How much longer O''Lord?

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